Archive for 3月, 2009


火曜日, 3月 31st, 2009



Chip Off the Old Block

The other day I attended the 60th birthday of a senior that I deeply respect. Despite having turned sixty, he is still very youthful and energetic. During the party, his daughter spoke about what she had learned watching her father, a man who worked tirelessly even on Sundays. Watching her parents, she realized noticed that men protect their families by working hard at their jobs while women care for the family from home. Listening to his daughter’s speech, I felt that those who work hard will have good relationships with their families as well.

Children naturally pick up ways of thinking and living by watching their parents and how they act. Therefore, please be vigilant in how you live and through your actions communicate to your children your values, therein creating a link between past and present generations. This is one of life’s greatest missions.

At yesterday’s morning assembly, employees heard a number of reports. It is vital that we listen closely to each report that is given and notice the problems around us. Simply listening abstractly or vaguely is not enough. Opinions are created according to how we hear or view something. Pay attention for it is through doing so that you will grow as a person. By paying attention to just one thing at first, you will then notice more and more things. I have said this countless times before but let me say it again: personal growth ends when you stop paying attention. Therefore please make it a habit to pay attention to what is around you and to think about what you see. This is for the benefit of your own personal growth as well as the lives of those around you.

Looking at him, I felt that those people who work hard have good relationships with their families as well. AS I listene


月曜日, 3月 30th, 2009



 どこまで気がつくか。報告をしてくれた社員の一人が 「45度のお辞儀が1番と勉強しました。そして帰りにガソリンスタンドに寄ったとき、店員さんのあいさつをみると、45度になっていました。それに私はとても感動しました。」 と言っていました。そういう意識でものごとを見ていくことはとても大切です。勉強することで、いつもは気付かなかったことに気づくようになる。1度にすべて気づくことなどできません。どこまで小さなことに気づいて、変えていけるかです。自分自身のために、どんどん勉強して、成長していってください。


Recently, four of our employees attended a seminar on etiquette and yesterday shared with us what they had learned during the three day course. These four people share a common trait: that being a unprejudiced heart. They do not debate the things around them but instead absorb the information. As we grow older and become adults, we develop a sense of pride based on what we have experienced. This pride, however, can become a hindrance and we spend our time simply thinking. However, these four employees are different and it was their ability to absorb information that led to my choosing them for the course. After completing the course, I could see the change in these four: there is now a sense of enrichment about them and an enthusiasm to put into practice what they learned. They absolutely shine now.

The following are three memories or lessons they took from the course:
1) The importance of character. Appearance is the biggest factor in what kind of first impression you give. It does not matter how superior of a person you may be, if your appearance is poor you will be judged in a similar fashion and will put you at a disadvantage. I ask that all of you take an honest look at yourselves and objectively ask yourself what impression you are giving. For example, for the women, rather than letting your hair hang loose, tying it back gives a more professional feeling. The same is true for men: during work, is your shirt and necktie clean and neat? Please take a good, honest look at yourself once again.

2) The biggest deciding factor in one’s appearance is his heart or spirit. If what is inside is not refined, there is no meaning in the outward appearance for it is the outward appearance that shows what is in the heart. “A person’s foundation is the heart.” Do not think in your head but rather feel in your heart and in doing so grow and mature. An honest, open heart is best.

3) The third thing each person seemed to come away from the course with was a realization of the importance of study. Why do you (we) study? Study is all about the personal improvement of each of us. It is not for the company or those around us but rather is for ourselves. It makes us polished, refined people who through our growth can contribute to society. There is no meaning if you study simply because you were told to and I was very moved to hear these four express a desire to continue studying and to put into practice what they learned. Please take the opportunity to improve yourself through study, not only through attending seminars but also through reading and talking with people you respsect. Do not let yourself become complacent for if you do, you will cease to grow as a person. Study is a never-ending endeavor; therefore, continue in your studies and work on self-improvement. As you do, you will become a more charming, appealing person.

To what extent are you aware of the things around you? One employee reported that after learning the 45-degree bow is the most polite, she noticed that the gasoline stand attendant used this most formal bow toward the customers and that she was very moved by it. Such consciousness of what is going on around you is very important. In study, notice what you have ignored up to this point. You cannot be aware of everything at once but you can pay attention to the little things one at a time. For your own sake, continue in your studies and personal growth.


金曜日, 3月 27th, 2009




5 “S” System
As I was reading through old newspapers after I returned from my latest business trip, I saw that a fatal accident had occurred in a local factory and that several people died in a nursing home fire. Although the exact causes are not yet known, it is thought that a failure to properly follow the 5S system led to the loss of life. Here at JIT we do not know when a similar incident will occur. We treasure human life and do not believe that the company is the only important aspect. Whether a home or a business, the same sentiment exists. What is most important is the life of the person. Please, everyone, understand that a failure to follow the 5S system will lead to difficulties and accidents and, as a way to avoid this, make even the most ordinary aspects of life [turning off the gas, blowing out candles, etc.] a habit.

As soon as I return from business trips abroad, I immediately e-mail and phone the executives in the company. This time was no exception. I do this because I am anxious about everything in the company because I truly love everyone in my company. It is because I care for everyone that I e-mail or phone them and that I share information with them. Such a trait is vital for the management in particular. Naturally think about those beneath you and act on what you think. When bosses do not notice or care about those beneath them, how can there be communication? I ask my management to pay more attention and to be more caring. It all comes down to the individual. This is why mothers, when they hear their babies cry, know that something is wrong, be it hunger or a wet diaper. The department heads need to be more like parents and take care of the children in their departments. If they do this, the children will naturally care about the parents.

As I was away in Taiwan on this latest business trip, I felt once again the importance of national diginity and company dignity. No one smoked while walking and the appearance of those we passed by was very neat. Moreover, there was a visible effort to preserve the environment and I noticed the excellent manners of the drivers. The image I had this time was entirely different from that of ten years ago and I was very happy. I hope that JIT becomes a company with such an image: employees who cheer up customers as they come and go and whose customers talk about the lovely atmosphere they encounter whenever they visit our office. In order to create such a company, we will mimic the good we see and act immediately. I ask that everyone seek personal growth, even if only a little bit at a time, and that we all reform ourselves. This will surely be communicated to the customers. Everyday is [an opportunity for] change.


水曜日, 3月 25th, 2009




Thorough Action

This post centers on something I realized while away on this latest business trip.

 Every day that we are alive is a day we can notice problems and make revisions: this process of revision and reform is unceasing.  The most important thing is to do immediately whatever can be done immediately and to do it thoroughly.  Think about what you are doing and why you are doing it.  Such will lead to reforms.  Do not let yourself leave things incomplete.  For the sake of personal growth and the happiness of friends and family, JIT employees only those people who have honest, courageous hearts and who work until the very end.  Act immediately and to the point that you are told you have done enough.  I will take full responsibility for any mistake resulting from action; however, those who leave things unfinished or who do not act at all are not needed here at JIT.  Please be thorough in your work.

The other day I wrote a day an entry in which I compared the sales department to the pitcher in a baseball game.  A loss is fine but if you do not throw the ball, if you do not attack, then it will be impossible to earn points.  Sales in our ace.  If the head of the sales department deviates from what the president has said, how will the team be able to earn any points?  I have said this countless times before but let me say it again: failure is good.  If you afraid of failing [and therefore do not act], you will not grow as a person.  Please, do not lose but rather stand firm.  It’s not that I don’t understand the embarassment of failure or the hesitancy to say or do anything that will cause someone to think less of you.  But if you do not overcome such fears, you will not be able to grow.  In order for us to not repeat our mistakes or the mistakes of others, at JIT it is the responsibility of every person to share his knowledge with those around him.  Do not run from obstacles but instead overcome them.


火曜日, 3月 24th, 2009





All Employees are Salesmen

In a baseball game, there are nine people per team on the field. In order for a team to win, there is a manager, a coach, a scorer, a doctor, family members, and cheering fans. There are many supporters surrounding these nine players. Yet although all players are important and necessary, in the end the pitcher decides the outcome of a game. He is the most important. Within a company, the sales department is the pitcher. At JIT, although all of our employees are “salesmen,” if the actual sales department does not sell our products, there is no need for any other department. For this reason, it is important for all employees to go out as salesmen and sell first “humanity and oneself” and then the products. Please, everyone, realize your role as the pitcher for Team JIT and strive forward in our sales campaign.

The other day, a business diagnostics professor paid a visit to our offices and pointed out many areas in which we were lacking: failure to properly adhere to the 5S system, a poor system for receiving and shipping orders, etc. The results of the professor’s investigation will be given to the managers immediately so that we can make reforms. And while problems will certainly arise again next time, that is fine. Through them we will grow. I am constantly telling my employees that “when problems cease, so, too, will growth.” Let us daily face our problems and work diligently, continuing to study and grow.

The only thing that will not change is the spirit and ideas under which JIT was founded. All other things need change. No matter how clear the water is, when its current stops, it will, without fail, become dirty. The same is true for humans. Please make it a habit to change something every day.

I am leaving soon on a weeklong business trip. I, also, will do my part in our current sales campaign. Let’s all remember the value of one cartridge, the importance of one cent, and the preciousness of one second and, with a smile on our faces, work hard. Thank you.


月曜日, 3月 23rd, 2009




Team JIT

The other day as shipments piled up, several of my employees, despite not being members of the sales team, stayed late to help our sales department. To these employees I am truly grateful. However, within the group of people who stayed late were a couple members of JIT managers who, despite being very vocal about hard work, did nothing to help. Managers, is such behavior truly appropriate? While it is true that notice of the overwhelming number of shipments was late, this is something that could not be helped. The truth of endless shipments is simply that: they do not end. When such a situation arises, think first of the customer then work hard to finish the work. This is what it means to be human. This is Team JIT. If you see someone in trouble, first help him. After the crisis has passed, then investigate the causes behind why it. This is leadership. I don’t believe there is a person alive who, when they see a drowning child, would first stand there and chastise the child, saying, “Why were you playing in such a place? It’s dangerous, isn’t it?” You first help. Then, after listening to the reason, caution the person about any bad behavior. This is what it means to be human.

Our slogan this year is “Team JIT.” Words without action are frustrating. If we do not all ban together – all of us – we cannot achieve our goals. Every problem is everyone’s problem. Please, everyone, remember this and act accordingly.

The other day I attended my son’s elementary school graduation ceremony. I had previously attended the graduation ceremony at my alma mater. I was struck on both occasions by the open and hard-working nature of children. A hard-working person truly is beautiful. As we become adults, we become embarrassed by all-out efforts and true full body exertion happens less and less. But if you don’t act with all your heart, what will move it? Looking at these children, I also learned something very important. Thank you so much. Please, everyone, strive forward with your entire beings. So doing, you will surely bring energy to those around you.


土曜日, 3月 21st, 2009

 昨日も社員が県内営業にでました。状況を聞くと、以前よりも買ってくださるお客様が増えたり、回収ボックスにも空のカートリッジを入れて頂いていました。本当にありがたいです。でもその一方で、1つも売ることができなかったと肩を落としている社員もいました。ジットは商品を売る前に自分を売る。恥ずかしさを捨て勇気をもち大きな声で、笑顔いっぱい元気いっぱい行動することです。1つ売ることは本当に大変なことなのです。営業を通して、1つ売ることの大変さを痛感し、1つの注文も大事にすることを学んでくれたと思います。売上を上げることということは本当に大変なことですが販売できた時の喜び、感謝の気持ち充実感は最高です。1円の大切さ1個の大事さ1秒の重み今日感じたことをしっかり今後に生かしてください。実行、行動という種を蒔いて、努力は当たり前と心をこめて育てれば必ず芽が出て、花が咲きます。地道にでも、こつこつやることが大切です。継続は力、感謝の気持ちを忘れずにこれからも、行動していきましょう。チームジット 全員が一歩前進です。まずは一歩から。

The Difficult of Sales

The other day employees once again went out on sales calls within the prefecture. From what I have heard, the number of customers who bought our cartridges was even higher this time, as was the number of cartridges returned for recycling. Thank you so very much. Contrary to this good news, however, was the story of one employee who was disheartened at not having been able to sell even one cartridge. At JIT, we seek to sell ourselves before our products. You have to get rid of any embarrassment and, in a loud, energetic voice, bravely go forward. It truly is very difficult to sell a product, even just one. I think that this employee learned how truly difficult it is to persist in sales, as well as how important even just one order is. However, within the difficulty of sales, the joy of finally making a sale as well as a sense of gratefulness and satisfaction also exist. As you go forward, please remember what you learned today about the value of one cent, one cartridge, one second. The seeds that you sow will, by hard word and careful attention, bud and flower. Steadfast, unflagging perseverance is important. Let us remember the benefits of perseverance as we proceed. Team JIT will move forward as one, one step at a time.

今やる すぐやる できるまでやる

金曜日, 3月 20th, 2009




Do it Now. Do it Immediately. Do it to the Best of Your Ability.

The other day, a problem occurred once again, but if you pay attention, problems can actually be good things. If you are not watchful, attentive, or considerate, and if you do not pay attention to the problem, life will end. However, if when a problem arises you immediately seek to make improvements, the problem can be a good thing. It provides an opportunity for growth.

Next week is the end of yet another term and therefore any current lackadaisical or half-hearted attitudes present a problem. Now is decisive time and living with all ones strength is imperative. This has nothing to do with the financial term. That is merely a minor goal. People who settle and procrastinate are not living with their entire beings. No matter when, please strive forward using all your strength. Such is the true meaning behind the phrase “Do it now. Do it immediately. Do it to the best of your ability.” This is directly connected to personal growth and will provide a road toward achieving your goals.

I spent this morning reading employees’ reports. I cannot say that I am a good writer or speaker; however, no matter when or where, I give my all in what I am saying. My feelings and thoughts are expressed through what I write and what I say. No matter how unintelligent your words may seem, if you put your entire being into them, they will surely be communicated. No matter when, push yourself and with all your heart communicate to those around you what you are thinking and feeling.

Live today with all your might, frankly and honestly communicating with those around you.


木曜日, 3月 19th, 2009




The Importance of Invisible Things

Emotions always show themselves on a person’s face. When a person is upset, even smiling cannot disguise the true emotions.

Yesterday I cautioned two employees. Failure is good; moreover, we are all human and, therefore, failure is natural. Failure teaches success. What is important is what you do following your failure. No matter how much you reflect on your actions, there is no meaning in your reflection if it is not accompanied by action. No matter how much you think about what to do in the future, that thought is meaning without action to accompany it. Simply by looking at someone’s face, I can tell whether they are thinking about the past or the future. I could sense the energy from this person who was reflecting on his mistake and thinking about how to proceed. When you fail, please take time to reflect on how to best proceed then act on those thoughts. Things that you cannot see are also important. Humans are all about heart or emotions. With a frank and honest heart, let us move ahead one step at a time. Today was the 30th birthday of an employee from the engineering department. He has reached the 30-year milestone but it is my expectation that he will continue to grow and flourish in the coming years.


水曜日, 3月 18th, 2009

 1週間の出張から帰ってきました。次の日出社すると、幹部社員が数名待っていて、報告連絡をもらいました。しかし、2名は月曜日の朝になってもきませんでした。報告、連絡は当たり前のことです。上司ができなければ、 部下はできません。いくら上司が部下に「報告連絡をしっかりしなさい。」と口を酸っぱくして言ったところで、部下はしません。それはしっかり部下は上司の行動をみているからです。上司ができなければ部下はできません。それをしっかり認識して行動してください。




I returned the other day after being away for a week on business. The day after I got back, several of the managerial staff were waiting to give me their reports; however, there were two executives who, even when Monday rolled around, were still absent, despite the fact that contacting someone or reporting something is a simple enough thing. If the bosses cannot do something, those beneath them will not be able to do it either. No matter how many times the bosses say, “Be prompt and reliable in your reports,” if their action does not match their words, those beneath them will not follow. This is because employees watch what their superiors do. What their superiors cannot or do not do, neither will they. I hope that you will understand this and act appropriately.

Over the weekend, one of our employees was involved in an accident while another was caught talking on his cell phone. These were not sudden accidents. Accidents, breaking the law, colds: all are caused by our own actions. They are chances given by God for us to take note of our bad behavior and fix it. There is a cause at the heart of everything and failure is good. It is in failure that we learn and are able to correct our behavior.

I often receive reports from employees after they have finished a training session or a book. In their reports, employees write about things they learned or were struck by in their studies. Although study is in and of itself an important thing, if you do nothing with what you have learned, what meaning is there in your study? If you do not immediately alter your behavior, there is no meaning in your study. Following a study session I did in Osaka, I gathered all the employees together and told them what I had learned. For instance, I studied about TOKUGAWA Ieyasu, TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi, and SAIGO Takamori, as well as the Analects, and have incorporated much of what I learned into my life. Study, followed by self-interpretation and mimicking good behavior, is important. Do not study using just your head but rather incorporate what your learn into your next action, therein allowing yourself to grow as a person.