
 1週間の出張から帰ってきました。次の日出社すると、幹部社員が数名待っていて、報告連絡をもらいました。しかし、2名は月曜日の朝になってもきませんでした。報告、連絡は当たり前のことです。上司ができなければ、 部下はできません。いくら上司が部下に「報告連絡をしっかりしなさい。」と口を酸っぱくして言ったところで、部下はしません。それはしっかり部下は上司の行動をみているからです。上司ができなければ部下はできません。それをしっかり認識して行動してください。




I returned the other day after being away for a week on business. The day after I got back, several of the managerial staff were waiting to give me their reports; however, there were two executives who, even when Monday rolled around, were still absent, despite the fact that contacting someone or reporting something is a simple enough thing. If the bosses cannot do something, those beneath them will not be able to do it either. No matter how many times the bosses say, “Be prompt and reliable in your reports,” if their action does not match their words, those beneath them will not follow. This is because employees watch what their superiors do. What their superiors cannot or do not do, neither will they. I hope that you will understand this and act appropriately.

Over the weekend, one of our employees was involved in an accident while another was caught talking on his cell phone. These were not sudden accidents. Accidents, breaking the law, colds: all are caused by our own actions. They are chances given by God for us to take note of our bad behavior and fix it. There is a cause at the heart of everything and failure is good. It is in failure that we learn and are able to correct our behavior.

I often receive reports from employees after they have finished a training session or a book. In their reports, employees write about things they learned or were struck by in their studies. Although study is in and of itself an important thing, if you do nothing with what you have learned, what meaning is there in your study? If you do not immediately alter your behavior, there is no meaning in your study. Following a study session I did in Osaka, I gathered all the employees together and told them what I had learned. For instance, I studied about TOKUGAWA Ieyasu, TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi, and SAIGO Takamori, as well as the Analects, and have incorporated much of what I learned into my life. Study, followed by self-interpretation and mimicking good behavior, is important. Do not study using just your head but rather incorporate what your learn into your next action, therein allowing yourself to grow as a person.

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