








『表題:場所違いですが・・  送信日時:2009年07月02日 14:30:36
社長様の熱い思いから実現した公式戦、小瀬球場に行ってきました。2人の息子の子育て中の私は野球好き(根っからのG党ですが)それに加えてWBC以降、青木、村田、内川選手ですっかり野球にはまりこんだ子供たちに是非、”生の緊迫感、躍動感” を味あわせたいとホント楽しみにしていました。 熱のこもったどちらも引かぬ展開で内容も素晴らしく 感動しました。
 またいつかジット様のお力を借りて公式戦が開催されることを図々しくお願いしたいなと思い一筆差し上げた次第です。ありがとうございました。 』

 また社員も朝礼で子供さんから『お父さんの会社凄いね』 と言われ凄く嬉しかった。『自分の会社に誇りを感じた』と何人もが発言していくれました。
 本当にうれしく、やってよかったと実感しました。そして、またこのような機会を作れるように、もっともっと頑張っていこうと改めて決意致しました。これからも、多くの皆様に必要とされ、もっともっと沢山の方の笑顔が見れるような、そして沢山の方に幸せを感じて頂けるような会社を作っていきます。そして、 社員全員が、『 胸を張ってジットといえるような、夢のあるでっかい会社をつくります 』。何事にも全力投球。チームジットで、行動をお願いします。  有難うございました。


JIT Night at the Ballpark

[This past Wednesday], JIT’s Night at the Ballpark went off without a hitch. 12,500 people attended the game which, despite the 80% chance of rain that day, stayed dry until the very end. This seems a good omen for JIT’s 19th year in business. I truly feel very lucky. If you think about it, with an 80% chance of rain it would be natural for rain to fall. However, aside from a slight misting, the heavy rain held off until the game had ended. I believe this is because everyone’s passionate feelings [about the game] reached [God]. Thank you so very much. To each person affiliated with the event, to the ancestors, to my employees, and to everyone in Yamanashi, I am very grateful.

I was so happy as I looked around at the game and saw all the smiling faces: little kids watching the players, families laughing together, fathers drinking their alcohol while yelling through their megaphones, etc. It was a chance for family members, coworkers, lovers, etc. to come together and talk and laugh while watching the game. Thank you so much, everyone who came to the game. The smiles of my employees made me so happy.

I would now like to share with you a letter we received from one of our customers who attended the game:

“July 2, 2009
The baseball game held at Kose Stadium came out of the passionate thoughts and feelings of [JIT's] president. As the father of two young sons, I love baseball (I, myself, am a long-time fan of the Giants). Moreover, I was particularly excited to showing my kids the raw excitement of players such as Aoki, Takeda, and Uchigawa. I was also moved by the mounting fever as the game progressed. I wish to shamelessly ask that JIT hold other such events in the future. Thank you.”

During morning assembly the follow day, one employee shared a story about hearing kids say, “Dad, your company’s really cool, huh?” I had many employees tell me how proud they were of our company. I am so happy that we held this event and will work even harder in order to provide such an event again in the future. We will offer events again in the future. I shall continue to build a company that is needed by many people and that brings smiles and happiness to the faces of those around it. Finally, I will create a company whose employees are proud to say they work for. No matter what the job, I will give it my all. To the members of Team JIT: please act.

Thank you.

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