

 先日、山梨県内の企業様へ工場見学にお伺いしました。社員15名という大所帯でお伺いしましたが、本当に快くお引受け頂き、丁寧にご説明をして頂きました。 『ありがとうございました。』 現場を拝見し、 「見える化」があちらこちらで実行され、本当に関心することばかりでした。同時に、弊社はまだまだレベルが低いと痛感しました。今の現状が当たり前と思っていても、周りをみるとそれが当たり前でないことがわかります。自分たちが思っているよりも、周りは進んでいます。私たちは現状に満足することなく、常に変化し、改善をしていかなければなりません。 改善、改革は永遠です。 勉強は行動。良いと思ったことはすぐに実行です。そして、レベルをもっともっと上げていくのです。今よりも、もっともっとという気持ちで、積極的に行動をお願いします。

Personal Time

How do you spend your alone time? A person’s life is decided by how hard he works and fight against his weaknesses when he is alone. Settling for less than best or being lazy when no one is watching are serious problems. Please be diligent particularly when no one is watching. Fight against your weaknesses and work hard. Fate is changed by how hard you can or cannot work during these times. God will see how hard you work when no one is watching. Hard work will never deceive you. Your efforts now will reap rewards for you later. More than anyone or anything else, you are the one watching yourself the most.

It is possible to become confident and proactive. First of all, do not let yourself be satisfied with current conditions. Do not think that something is normal or to be expected. Change is important. Please become someone who is vital for that period and that time.

The other day I, along with 15 of my employees, visited a company in our prefecture. Although our group was large, we were greeted warmly and treated very politely. Thank you. As we looked around the facilities, I saw many things that really struck my interest and realized that my company’s level is still very low. Looking at other companies, I realize that those things here that I think are normal are actually not. Those around you are progressing faster than you think. We must not let ourselves be satisfied with current conditions but instead constantly seek change and reform. Improvement is endless. Study is action. Imitate the good you see around you and increase the level you work at. I ask you to be ever more proactive. We will become a company that many people want to visit. Moreover, we will be a company where no matter who you are, simply by looking at one of our employees you will know what they do. This is true particularly for the factory.


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  1. 営業部 K Says:


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