
 先日も、東京より、大手企業の社長様をはじめとする幹部役員の方が、弊社へ来社してくださいました。本当に感謝いたします。実際にジットの熱い想いを、従業員一名一名から感じて頂き、どのような環境で製造をしているのかを見て頂きました。                                           そして弊社の品質保証部からも、ご説明をさせて頂きました。沢山のお話をさせて頂き、私たちも気づくことがたくさんあり、勉強をさせていただきました。 「人は心」 の精神に基づき、品質最優先で、お客様に満足と幸せを届けられるように精進していくことを改めて決意致しました。必ず花を開かせ、実を結ばせます。



The other day, the president of a prominent company, along with several of his executive brance, paid our office a visit. I am truly very grateful that they felt our employees’ passion and saw the environment our products are made in. Our QC department also gave a presentation [about their work and how it fits in to JIT as a whole]. Through the presentations we made and things that were brought to our attention, this visit proved to be a valuable opportunity for us to study. I once again feel a zealous determination to bring contentment and happiness to our customers by focusing first on quality. We must base our actions on the idea of “people as the core.” We will see the fruit of our labor.

Before he visited our office, I received a message from the president’s secretary asking that “although it is in direct conflict with the Cool Biz (Japanese government campaign aimed at reducing companies’ use of air conditioners), we hope you will understand [and use your air conditioner while the president is visiting].” I was very moved by this request. It’s all a matter of how closely you can pay attention. Anyone can notice big things but are you able to notice and be effected by small things? People who are able to notice things are people who do notice things. Pay attention to the small things, both in cleaning and in your work. If you are simply passing today without really thinking, simply passing the time in the same way you did yesterday, you will not notice the things around you. There is meaning in amassing small things. The notice of small things is directly connected with personal growth. I ask you to pay attention to what is around you and to act.

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