
トーマスエジソンが言う通り、成功の要因は、『ひらめき』 や 『才能』 (インスピレーション)の占める割合が、たった1パーセントにすぎず、残りの99パーセントは 『努力』や『汗』 (パースピレーション)によるものです。


 先日、社員が婚姻届を提出し籍を入れました。はじめに報告を受けた時には、正直まだまだ半人前で、大丈夫なのかという不安もありました。でも、「奥さんのため、子供のために全力で頑張っていく」と強い意志を持っていましたし、お互いのご両親からも許しを得たと聞きましたので、私も心から祝福をしました。これから本当に様々なことがあると思います。悩むことも、躓くこともあると思います。でもお互いを信じ、子供や自分たちの幸せのために、お互いのご両親への感謝の気持ちで、一生懸命、今を全力で生きてください。そうすれば必ず子供も、周りの人も見ていてくれます。応援してくれます。周りには先輩方が沢山います。困ったときには、相談をしながら、幸せな家庭を築いていってください。 私も全力で支援します。


If you do not work hard and study, you will neither grow as a person nor will you be able to become a leader. No matter how ofter say something, if your actions do not match your words, your subordinates absolutely will not follow you. Those around you are watching what you do and judging you. No matter how much the person in charge is able to give sound arguments or censures, if his actions do not back up his words then there is no reason to expect that his subordinates will follow his words.

According to Thomas Edison, the primary factor in [determining] success is not “a flash” or “talent” or “inspiration,” which in total comprise no more than 1% success. Rather, success is 99% is hard work and perspiration.

It is not good to wait until you’ve been scolded before you do something. Be embarrassed [by your lack of action] and challenge yourself in study and work. There is no meaning [to life] if you do not. You do not grow doing things you are made to do. Quitting a job, getting a divorce, only noticing things after you’re dead: all of these things happen because you were slow. It is already too late. Study is not something you do for others but rather for yourself. If you think, “I still have a long way to go in my study,” act. Anyone can simply think. I ask that you act in a way that will not embarrass yourself. Once you notice something, act immediately.

The other day, one of our employees submitted his marriage registration in the family register. When I first heard about this, one half of me thought him very honest and full of integrity while the other half was worried if he would be all right. However, once I heard his empassioned words of “I am going to work with all my might for my wife and child,” as well as the news that their parents had given the two permission to marry, I also gave them my blessing. I think that they will face many things in the future: worries, slips, etc. However, please believe in each other and work for the happiness of your child and yourselves. Be grateful to your parents and work hard every day. If you do so, both your child and those around you will see [your hard work] and will support you. Around you are many people with more experience than you. When you get upset, talk to them and work to build a happy family. I, too, will support you with all my power.

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