増穂商業高校 講演会






Lecture at Masuho High School

A few days ago, I received an invitation from Masuho High School to come speak in front of their seniors. I was so happy to see the solemn, serious faces of the students as their listened intently to what I had to say. I thank them.

I was priviledged to talk to these students about what is important as they prepare to enter society, for instance: having a dream, the results of hard work, what happens if you don’t give up, the fact that it’s better to have many failures, only those who can clean [well] will be able to work well, the fact that there is nothing humans cannot do, the importance of gratitude toward one’s parents, etc. There were many, many things that I wanted to talk about and during the hour that I was given I worked hard to convey my thoughts and feelings.

The thing that I most wanted to communicate to these students was the importance of the connection between people, between hearts. If you work hard and do not give up, those around you will certainly cheer you on. Hard work will never betray you. Please do not give up [but] continue in your actions. No matter the company, they all started as something small. There is no one who can start from 100. [Everything] begins at one. It is precisely because of the accumulation of these singular points that my company and I am here today. Please fail many times. It is only through failures, only through hardships that you can grow strong. [Finally,] no matter where you go, please work hard [there] for three years.

This can be said to everyone. Please live everyday working hard with your entire being. Moreover, no matter what happens, do not give up [but] continue to fight and act for the happiness of all those around you. Be grateful to your ancestors, yoru parents, and your family.

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