


  物事に偶然はありません 。全て必然 。何事もプラス思考で自分自身の心の様子が結果になります。心を積極的に持てば行動が積極的になります。行動はつまり心次第です。

With All One’s Might

I always say, “[I] will achieve [my] without fail.” However, if I do nothing, there is no chance that this will come true. Whether I am eating, taking a bath, dreaming, etc., if I do not constantly think about what I should do, I will not be able to achieve my goals. Trying with all one’s might is common [and] it is the people around you who decide if you really are working as hard as you can. It doesn’t matter if you believe you are putting in your best effort: if that is not communicated to those around you, then you are still being indulgent toward yourself. Please understand this and work toward achieving your goals.

Anyone can think. Reflection is action. No matter how bad you think something is, if you do not show that attitude in your actions, no one will understand what you are thinking. Change is difficult. Do not lose to your weak self but overcome obstacles.

There are no accidents: everything is inevitable. The results of positive thinking are born in the heart. If you have an assertive, positive heart, then your actions will also be assertive and positive. A man’s action is determined by [what is in] his heart.

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