


Notes on Things I Noticed

The other day, our managerial staff began keeping a log of things that caught their attention and what they did in response to what they noticed. Although they have only just begun, they have already noticed and pointed out many things. If you but decide to pay attention, you will come across many things that catch your attention. If it not good for a company to have an employee think about only his own department. Please look at things from an unbiased point of view and ask yourself, “Why is this the way it is?” “Is this truly a good thing?” If you do so, awareness will naturally sprout. All of the little things you notice now are connected to the future. [Therefore,] I ask that everyone, not just the managers, take on this spirit of daily study and like the managers work at paying attention to what is around you.

The employees send me reponses to my blog. Within the many responses I received was one in which the employee wrote about something he had come to realize, that is: “Reflection is not what is important. Action is.” Many employees seem to have realized this [and this makes] me very happy. It is true [that reflection is not what is important. Reflection is something that anyone can do. [But] I ask here that you act immediately on what you see.

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