
 社員が子供を授かりました。また別の社員は待望の第一子が誕生しました。私も本当にうれしい。子供が生まれるということはそれだけ背負っていくものが大きくなります。金銭面でも大変になる。でもそれ以上に大きいものを与えてくれるのが素直な子供です。子供のため、奥さんのため、両親のため、背負っていくものが増えるほど、もっともっと頑張ろうという気持ちが湧いてきます。『生きがい』 『夢』 をあたえてくれます。子供が『命』の尊さを教えてくれ、『自分自身の生まれてきた証』を未来へ、子孫へ繋げてくれます。子供が大きくなったときに、「うちのお父さん、ジットで働いているんだよ、世の中の人を幸せする仕事をしているんだよ」と胸を張って言える会社を作っていきましょう。またそういう親でいてください。


Once You Understand, Take Action

[Many of our] employees are blessed with children, including one man who recently celebrated the birth of his lost awaited son. I am so happy. The birth of a child dramatically increases the number of burdens you will bear, [not the least of which will be] financial issues. But bigger than any struggle is the present of an unprejudiced, obedient child. As his burdens increase, the man will feel a greater urge to work hard, not only for the sake of his child(ren) but also for his wife and parents. He will have dreams and a raison d’etre. Children will teach him the preciousnes of life and serve as evidence of the life he has lived. They will tie him to the future, to his descendants. Let us a create a company that these employee’s children can be proud of when they are adults. Let us create a company about which these children will say, “My father is an employee at JIT where he works to bring happiness to people around the world.” To the parents as well, be this kind of person: the kind your children can be proud of.

Comprehension and action are two completely different things. Even if you intellectually comprehend something, without action it is meaningless. No matter how many times you say, “I understand,” if you do not act [on it] do not say it.

The other day I sent the parents of our new employees pictures from the company entrance ceremony. I [soon] received a letter from the father of one of the new employees who said that after the week-long training course, his said told him that “from now on I will not only think but also act.” Moreover, in contrast to the son’s habit of not replying to e-mails from the family, his e-mail immediately after the course ended made his family very happy. All of the new employees came to realize various things throughout the course of the study camp and have acted on what they realized. I was very pleased and moved by this parent’s letter. This is what understanding is.

Without action, gratitude will not be communicated.

If you understand, please show it through immediate action for such is true understanding. Do not just answer but also act immediately.

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