

 1つ目に『縁』。 『縁』あって、数多くの会社の中から弊社を選んで頂き、選考をへて入社にいたしました。弊社へ入社したのは、偶然ではありません。必然です。『縁』と『縁』が結ばれて、人は存在し、生きています。今日こうしてこの日を共に迎えられたこと、これから一緒に頑張っていけることに感謝しています。これからもっともっと多くの出会いがあると思います。無駄な出会いなど一つもありません。その一つ一つを大切にしコミュニュケーションを自分からとりましょう。
 2つ目に、『道』。 生きていく道はそれぞれ皆違うけれど、一人ひとり自分の道があります。狭くて険しい道もあれば、広くて楽しい道もあります。登り坂があれば、下り坂もあります。山があれば谷もあります。それが道であり、人生です。全て自然なことです。道は自分で作るもの。どうせ道を歩くのだったら、『つまらない、大変』と思うよりも、『楽しい』と思って歩いてほしい。自分が楽しければ周りも楽しくなります。どうせやるなら楽しく、前向きに取り組みましょう。プラス思考です。
 3つ目に、『素直』。 赤ちゃんは素直だから何でもまねをする。日本人の赤ちゃんも、アメリカで育てば、英語が話せるようになる。それは口の動きや、発音を聞いて自然とまねをするからです。新入社員も、赤ちゃんと一緒です。会社のこと、社会のことなど、まだまだ知らないこと、できないことだらけです。まずは周りの先輩の行動をまねしてください。言葉遣いも、態度も、仕事に対する気持も、まずはまねをしてください。その中でも1番まねてほしいのは、『一生懸命さ、熱い思い』です。いつも言っていますが、一生懸命や熱い思いは必ず伝わるし、相手の心を動かします。私はチームジットを『素直で、熱い思いがほとばしる集団』にしていきます。どんなことがあっても、素直な気持ちを忘れずに、行動していってください。


Company Entrance Ceremony

Yesterday was the entrance ceremony for the new JIT employees. The sky cleared up and we were able to meet with the happy families of our fourteen new employees. I was very happy with the ceremony but I am sure that the parents of these fourteen new employees were even happier than I for they and their ancestors are the reason these new employees were able to become full-fledged members of society. I am sure that there were many hardships and troubles leading up to this day but through it all the parents were there to raise their children. Entrance ceremonies are moments to be grateful for the love of your parents and ancestors. Please be sure to express your gratitude and as you go through the rest of your life remember how you felt on this day.

I would now like to share three key words from my address today:
1) “Fate” or “Destiny”
It is no accident that our fourteen new employees chose JIT out of all the companies they could have entered. Fates are inevitably and invariably bonded together as we live out our lives. I am grateful, therefore, that it is with these fourteen people that I will be working with from now on. Moreover, I believe that I will meet even more people who will play a part in my life. There are no futile or meaningless encounters. Therefore, cherish each encounter you have and take the opportunity to communicate with those you meet.

2) Path
Although each of us has our own path to walk, all paths are made up of both difficult and easy moments. If the road is narrow and precipitous in one area, it will be wide and easily traversable in others. If there are hills to climb, there will be hills to descend. For every mountain you face there will be a valley where you can rest. This is life and these paths are what we make them. No matter what road you are walking down, rather than seeing it as boring or difficult, I hope you are able to enjoy the journey for if you are able to be happy, you will be able to make those around you happy as well. No matter what you do, be happy and proactive. Think positively.

3) Pure/Unprejudiced
Babies, having not yet formed prejudices, will copy anything. For instance, a Japanese baby raised in America will be able to speak English as well as Japanese simply from listening to and imitating those around them. New employees are like these babies in that they know very little about the company or society they are now in. Therefore I ask these new employees to watch the senior employees and mimic what they do, whether it be their wording, their attitudes towards work, or their manner in general. Within that, I hope that you focus particularly on the dilligence and passion you see in those around you. I say this all the time, but let me say it again: a dilligent and passionate hard will surely move those who see it. I will make JIT into a company of unprejudiced and passionate employees. No matter what happens, please do not forget to approach it from an unbiased point of view.

Remember the gratitude you feel towards your parents right now and the innocent, unprejudiced heart you have now as we strive forward together.

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