





The other day, Yamato Supermarkets introduced JIT products as well as set up return boxes in their stores. I feel that this is an example of the relationship between people and the confidence both sides have in that relationship. Thank you, Yamato Supermarkets. We here at JIT will also work hard to be of service to Yamato Supermarkets. We will cherish our partnership and good relations.

People are often “all talk, no action.” They have no sense of the current crisis facing us. They work by themselves without paying attention or helping those around them. However, the relationship and harmony between people is important. Do not be the type of person who only makes requests of others without doing anything in return. Remember: all things are connected. This morning when I arrived to work, I saw one of the new employees already at her desk working and was quite moved. However, although her early arrival to work impressed me, she failed to greet her superiors as they arrived. While work is important, here at JIT we value greetings even more than personal work. It is my hope that this employee will remember our first creed and will fulfill these everyday obligations.

Recently, the problem of distrust from our customers toward JIT has developed and the situation has become truly grave. The fault is entirely mine. This week we will act in order to earn back the trust that we lost and to ensure that such a thing does not happen again.

JIT is a company that creates people. People that can only work are not needed in our company: what we do need are people who can be reliable in everyday things such as greetings, honesty, etc. If our products are unnecessary, so is the work of our production department. Work will cease for our quality control group. Accounting will become obsolete. General affairs, personnel, recruitment will all become irrelevant. When that happens, the company will crumble. All the people working together will no longer be necessary. All things are based on the trust between and among people. Even if there is no money, it is still important to have trust. Remember: a crisis is an opportunity. I ask that you wholeheartedly do whatever you can. I and the management will first embrace a sense of crisis and act from a firm foundation as we communicate JIT ideas to those around us.

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