

私は、若い人達、山梨の人に、もっと働く場を提供していきたい、頑張っている人にチャンスを与えていきたい、と考えています。ジットの根元である『創業の精神』 『経営理念』通りに行動できない人は、ジットには必要ありません。無理をして、ジットで働く必要も、ありません。

To Those Who Try There is a Chance

A big problem arose this morning. Although we had a sales department meeting yesterday, today I will use everyone’s valuable time for another meeting. Even if you attend a meeting, if you do not talk, there is neither meaning in your attendance nor the possibility for growth. It is important in meetings for those present to be frank about their feelings and opinions. Brainstorming allows you to examine various methods as well as acquire more data; therefore, I ask that all meeting participants speak up. Moreover, managers need to create an environment wherein people are able to speak up. First is word without action.

It is my hope that I will be able to offer young people and the people of Yamanashi more places to work; furthermore, I hope to give chances to those who work hard. At JIT, we have no need for those who cannot follow our creeds and principles. There is no need for them to strain themselves working here.

Please follow through reliably on what you have promised or decided to do, whether that is reading a book, cleaning, or smoking. If there is even one person at a company who cannot follow what he has decided to do, that company will collapse. No time. No money. Sorrow. These are all my own problems.

My family and employees are important to me and it is my hope that hardworking people will want to join JIT. However, if a company increases only in personnel, problems will develop. We have no use for people who lie.

Lately one of our employees has been jogging every morning and the changes can be seen in both his face and eyes. I am very pleased with his effort.

It is all up to you.

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