



環境とは、人づくりだと私は考えています。当たり前のことを当たり前にすること、“もったいない” “次の人のために”良かったと思ってもらえるように、仕事がしやすいように、という気持ちをもった人を育てることが大事だと思っています。環境の仕事は、当たり前のことを当たり前にできる人を育てること。ジットにあるたくさんの使命の中でも、この1年を通して強く感じたことのひとつです。

With a Pure Attitude

There are only two weeks left in 2008. For the part-time workers who worked so hard this entire year, I am extremely grateful. It is my hope that I am able to thank each of them, one by one, at the upcoming year-end party. Moreover, at our mid-term meeting to discuss the vision of JIT, we made part-time workers the heart of JIT.

We recently received a thank-you letter from the students of a local school who recently visited JIT as part of a hands-on training lesson. In the letter, they expressed appreciation for the loud greetings and the attention employees showed to keeping the area around them clean. We also received a letter from Ookochi Elementary School whose students recently came for a tour through our factory. As I looked at these letters, I felt very happy, both as the owner of JIT and as simply myself. Thank you very much.

Carpe Diem
Fukuzawa Yukichi once said, “In all the world, the most wonderful thing is to hold the same job for one’s entire life.” I absolutely agree. In life there are many unknowns. For instance, no one knows how long he will live. Moreover, at many of the major companies lately, restructuring and downsizing has begun in reaction to the current economic crisis. Life is uncertain. It is, therefore, important for us to live every day of every second right now to its fullest. What you can do today, do today.

I believe that humans make their circumstances and therefore it is important to raise people who do what they are supposed to, who are not wasteful, who think of other people, etc. Enviromental work means raising people who will naturally do what they need to do. At JIT, we have many mission statements or slogans but among these there is one thing that impressed me above all others: the honest reactions of children. Their smiles and laughter can bring happiness to those around them.

To everyone reading this, I hope that like children you are able to do your work today obediently and cheerfully.

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