


“Just In Time” “人は心”です。いかに次の人のことを考えて仕事ができるか。ちょっとしたこと、小さな気配りを全員が考えてくれるようになれば、意思の疎通が図れるようにもなります。



Each Person

One customer recently responded in our survey that he would no longer use brand-name ink. The reason he gave was that “because I was using JIT ink, the brand-name maker was not able to help me when I called them.” Support calls, or more specifically the approaches to such calls, truly are important. When the customer cannot see the employee’s face, it is through the telephone receiver that a company’s credit is passed.

Here at JIT, everyone acts according to our management principles. I ask that as we say these princples every morning, they firmly take root in the minds of every employee.

The Importance of Failure
In one employee’s recent daily report, she told of and reflected on a recent failure of hers. But failures are unavoidable and I do not condemn either a failure or the person who made the mistake. Those who, upon making a mistake, recognize their failure and take a firm account of themselves will not repeat their mistakes. It is their introspection that allows them to improve. However, those who, after making a mistake, apologize only from their mouth and do not seek to understand the reason for their mistake only blame those around them and their circumstances for their failures. In doing so, they doom themselves to repeat the same mistakes, never learning from previous failures. In the case of this employee who reported her mistake, those around her instantly responded to her courage supported her and made improvements, a fact that makes me very happy.

At “Team JIT,” we believe that it is important for each person to pay attention to and think about those people and things around them. I ask developers as well, after achieving success, to please work with those in other departments to figure out how the new product will conform to other products and how it will be advertised. If you only think about your own department, problems will occur in other departments.

JIT – “Just in Time” – puts people at the core: in what ways can I do my work that shows a thoughtfulness for the next person? If everyone thinks of even just a tiny thing or a small consideration, then mutual understanding of each other’s intention will also be possible.

Are you able to make yourself do even the most ordinary things when there is no one else around? It is my hope that you are able to firmly face yourself and fulfill the most mundane tasks even when by yourself.

Water leaking from a hold the size of the eye of a needle soon becomes a deluge of water gushing out from a larger hole, crumbling barriers and destroying a company. How can the supervisors plug up that small hole before it becomes bigger?

I believe that home is where children are raised, that schools are where they are taught, and that companies are where children are disciplined. It is a company’s role to make reponsible, necessary people out of you once you become a member of society. Supervisors, therefore, become parents and educators. To them I ask: do not teach merely about the job specifically, but please also teach your employees how to greet others and look their partner in the eye while listening to their story. Do not merely say these things but let your own actions show that you believe such things are important.

Recent Lesson and a Subsequent Request
After falling sick a few weeks ago, I now feel that being able to talk to everyone, being able to go to work by my own power, and having the ability to do ordinary things in an ordinary way are all sources of happiness. I now understand the importance of taking care of my health.

Therefore, I now ask all of you to not overextend yourselves but rather remember your health and take care of yourselves.

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