Archive for the '朝礼' Category


火曜日, 2月 24th, 2009

「感謝」 「ありがとう」という言葉は、今を全力で生きている人が自然に出る言葉です。私は自分の力で生きているのではありません。使命があり、生かされているのです。この世の中に、必要でない人などいません。皆、与えられた命を、与えられた使命を果たすために生かされているのです。今を自分で一生懸命に生きていない人は気づいてください。成功しない人は全力で生きていない人です。天候、時間、人のせい、何でも言い訳にします。言い訳にするのではなく、その壁をどうやって乗り越えるか、中途半端な人には感謝の気持ち、感謝の言葉の意味はわかりません。今、自分が何をしなければいけないのか、仕事も、時間も、自分から追うものです。自分から向かっていく、一歩前に出る。仕事に追われる人は自分から動かずに指示を待つだけの人です。自分から前に出る、仕事も時間も自分から追う人は全力で生きている人です。ですから、悔いのない人生を送ることができます。そういう人は自然と感謝の気持ちが生まれ言葉に出るのです。積極的な心を持つことです。


Run Full Bore

Words such as “gratitude” or “thank you” come naturally to those who are living with all their might. I am not living by my own power. I am living by my role [in life/work]. In this world there are no worthless people. Each person lives because he has a life, a role to fulfill. Please notice those who are not living life to the best of their ability. Unsuccessfull people are those who are not living with all their might. They blame the weather, the time, or other people. People who leave things half-finished do not understand either how to overcome their obstacles or the meaning of the word “gratitude.” Look at what you have to do now and make the most of your work and your time. Go foward. People who are swamped in work are those who, rather than working on their own, have waited for instructions from others. The people who are progressing, who are making the most of the work and time are those who are living with their whole beings and therefore can live life without regrets. Such people will naturally express gratitude. They will have a positive, proactive heart.

The other day several employees e-mailed me their impressions of my television appearance. I was moved and pleased by employees who, on seeing the program, expressed a desire to work even harder. It is my role to strongly express JIT’s ideas and feelings. In order to become a company vital to Yamanashi, to Japan, and to the world, please go forward with all your might, making good use of your work and time.


月曜日, 2月 23rd, 2009


私は、若い人達、山梨の人に、もっと働く場を提供していきたい、頑張っている人にチャンスを与えていきたい、と考えています。ジットの根元である『創業の精神』 『経営理念』通りに行動できない人は、ジットには必要ありません。無理をして、ジットで働く必要も、ありません。

To Those Who Try There is a Chance

A big problem arose this morning. Although we had a sales department meeting yesterday, today I will use everyone’s valuable time for another meeting. Even if you attend a meeting, if you do not talk, there is neither meaning in your attendance nor the possibility for growth. It is important in meetings for those present to be frank about their feelings and opinions. Brainstorming allows you to examine various methods as well as acquire more data; therefore, I ask that all meeting participants speak up. Moreover, managers need to create an environment wherein people are able to speak up. First is word without action.

It is my hope that I will be able to offer young people and the people of Yamanashi more places to work; furthermore, I hope to give chances to those who work hard. At JIT, we have no need for those who cannot follow our creeds and principles. There is no need for them to strain themselves working here.

Please follow through reliably on what you have promised or decided to do, whether that is reading a book, cleaning, or smoking. If there is even one person at a company who cannot follow what he has decided to do, that company will collapse. No time. No money. Sorrow. These are all my own problems.

My family and employees are important to me and it is my hope that hardworking people will want to join JIT. However, if a company increases only in personnel, problems will develop. We have no use for people who lie.

Lately one of our employees has been jogging every morning and the changes can be seen in both his face and eyes. I am very pleased with his effort.

It is all up to you.


土曜日, 2月 21st, 2009




Employees’ Crisis Consciousness

I hope that the employees, in particular my managerial staff, will carry a heavier sense of crisis and will approach each problem as if it was their own. Once more recognize that people are hired not to make your work easier. Moreover, remember that JIT is a company created for the happiness of everyone and to provide the world with what it needs.

From One Employee:
Be strict with each other for if we do not pursue our goals, I feel there is a danger that JIT will cease to exist. It was a realization of my own value that made me recognize the danger of JIT collapsing or me no longer working here at JIT. Having realized this, I will be more strict with my time and reports.

From Another Employee:
I have not had a true sense of crisis, at least not in the proper sense of the term. I acted as though the decrease in profits – a result of increases in personnel amidst a decrease in sales – had no effect on me and that tomorrow would be just as today, that JIT would operate just the same as always. The realization that I had, for my own convenience, believed this and has drawn such a future without any real effort is embarrassing and I realized there is no assurance that next year, much less tomorrow, will be okay. I realized that in order to support the increase in personnel, in order to increase sales, I need to increase how much effort I put into my work. The me tomorrow needs to work 110% harder than the me of today. I have decided to expand my work and, for the sake of sales and everyone at JIT, to go forward with a greater sense of crisis.

From the President:
I am happy that one of my employees took notice of herself.

Your rival is you. I ask that everyone in JIT follow these examples and have a greater sense of crisis in their work. As one of our creeds says: “Treat all problems as if they were your own and, without losing to yourself, go forward.”


金曜日, 2月 20th, 2009




不安と期待は同じです。期待があるから不安があります。今を全力投球し、今の現状を改善改革して行動することが大事です。 今を、自分自身を、現実を、素直に受けとめて気づくこと。つまり経営理念を心に浸透させていくことをお願い致します。

Look at the Present

Ichiro, the main topic of news recently, brings hapiness to everyone. As a representative of Japan, he recently held a camp with several of his friends; moreover, as a professional baseball player, he continuously strengthens his body. Whereas normal people would rest at home on their day off, Ichiro uses his one day of vacation a week to train. If the usual camp is rainy or muddy, he will simply find a different place to train. You can really feel the difference between the pros and the amateurs. Amateurs are those who figure that trying with all one’s might is enough, even if there are no results from their efforts. However, a pro will absolutely achieve his goals. He will persevere until he can see the results of his work. JIT is a pro company. We have no use for amateurs.

There is a problem in the balance of male and female roles. Whereas men are strong and frightening, women have a gentle outlook on the world. Men are strict with their children in order that the children will be successful and happy even after the father is gone. We have no need for caring.

Currently, although JIT’s sales are not increasing, our workers are. Yet while it would be nice to have more people in our patent department, or HR, or any department for that matter, is it truly necessary? While there were many inconveniences before cell phones were developed and while they are useful, we need to stop and think whether they are truly necessary or not. People and departments are the same. My feelings lately are that I want to save only those people and departments who are absolutely necessary. Even our part time workers think while they are working of ways to increase sales or do their jobs faster. For this I am thankful. Everyone, please look at these part-time workers and follow their example.

Fear and hope are the same thing. It is because one has hope that one feels anxious. It is important for us now to go forward will all our might in our struggle to improve the current situation. We will grateful accept our current situation, ourselves, and the present reality. In other words, I ask that we bury in our hearts the company creeds and principles.


木曜日, 2月 19th, 2009




Make Change Yourself

Every day in their employees’ daily reports, the division managers write comments regarding what they have read. Employees must read their superiors’ comments and sign the report. Once you have decided to do something, do not fail to do it. This will make your superiors happy as well. Moreover, please reread what you wrote the day before as in doing so you will surely notice something about yourself.

In a recent customer survey response we received, one customer wrote that it was her experience calling JIT about a printing problem that caused her to become a fan of JIT. To this customer: thank you. I am so very happy that this customer was satisfied with our response to her call and am grateful to the employee who handled her case. Again, thank you. I ask that we continue to provide timely, sincere responses to claims from our customers.

Lately all I hear are dark tales: the abnormal weather caused by global warming, the downsizing of part-time workers at the major companies and the [forced] 3-4 day vacation each week, etc. What must it be like to not have work. I do not how long long or in what way JIT will last and am troubled by things with no connection to JIT. All around me, the temperature is rising and if it continues to rise, we will not be able to harvest either fruit or rice and the price of these good may inflate. As the temperature rises, the ice melts and the rise rises, therein reducing the amoung of land available to us. We must consider these problems as our own personal problems. Let us treat all problems as our own and go forward without losing to ourselves.

The head of JIT Ceremony always pays close attention to those around him and always acts quickly. These are habits he has created in himself. The only person who can change you is you; moreover, you cannot change either the past or other people. I, for example, have no power to change all of you. However, because I want everyone to change and for them to have opportunities to change, I offer study courses and speak at morning assemblies. However, in the end, it is up to you to change. Push yourself and create an environment around you that is favorable to change. If you can notice things about yourself, you will have the ability to change.


水曜日, 2月 18th, 2009





From First One Thing, One Person

The Tears of Children
This past Sunday, I attended my 6th grade son’s graduation ceremony from his baseball team. One by one the players got up and thanked their coaches and teammates, the younger members of the team, and their parents. Listening to the heartfelt words of these children, I was moved to tears. The open and full-body tears of children, in this case these 3rd to 6th graders, will touch the hearts of those who see it. Tears cleanse the heart and help us to grow as humans; moreover, although invisible to the eye, something is given to us through tears. To these children who moved me so deeply, I am most humbly grateful.

Economic Severity
I have been talking with many people lately and have heard many stories of the severity of their economic situations. Tomorrow will be my turn.

If you do not read and study and then act on what you have learned, there will be no peace in your life. I feel that if I, as head of this company, do not have an even stronger sense of the current crisis, JIT will be lost. I will repeat time and time again the cycle of reading a book, jotting down notes about what struck me the most, relaying these ideas to all of you, and acting on them. Such form of continuation is important as is reading books. If adults read, the children aroudn them will mimic this and read. Moreover, books are important for creating supple, obedient hearts.

The Future of Yamanashi
A group of adorable students from Kofu Shogyo High School recently visited JIT headquarters. I hope that I am able to invigorate Yamanashi: to encourage its young people in their dreams and be able to offer a bit of sunshine to those in the region. For that reason, I have been meeting with the mayors of cities in Yamanashi prefecture who graciously visit the JIT offices to see our part- and full-time employees. But I particularly hope that children will visit our office.

Fates are linked together. I believe that the happiness of those around me is linked with the happiness of everyone and I will act to bring happiness to all. My hope to invigorate Yamanashi prefecture and my desire to support the Vanforet soccer team are the same wish. We are banning together under the campaign “Let’s Energize Yamanashi.” One way we are doing this is that we have placed ink cartridge return boxes at all Yamato supermarkets and have begun selling recycled ink cartridges there as well. For every recycled ink cartridge that you buy, 20 yen (roughly US$0.22) will go to Vanforet soccer.

Of the 47 prefectures in Japan, Yamanashi is currently ranked at the bottom in terms of its economy. It is my hope that I will be able to enliven the people of Yamanashi prefecture, even if only a tiny bit. Through various activities, we will continue to offer a bright spot for the people of Yamanashi. No matter what the situation, thoughts such as “One person is enough” or “One person is fine” will cause a collapse. On the other hand, tremendous advancement is possible by beginning with an appreciation for each person, each second, each penny. If you cannot appreciate each of these in their singular form, they will not increase. Value each day every day and strive forward with all your might.


火曜日, 2月 17th, 2009

“もったいない”、 “何もかもがあることがあたり前”、 “この位、少し位、自分だけならいいだろう、大丈夫” という気持ちが地球温暖化などの様々な大きな大問題を引き起こしています。問題は全て自分自身が原因です。ひとりの命の大事さ、人間本来の人間らしさ、男らしさ、女性らしさ。昔の古き良き時代の良いところを思い出すことが大事です。そして、地域のために皆さんに貢献していくことが大切です。ひとりの人間から、1億の人口に増加しました。先祖は皆同じです。全てのはじまりは一つから、自分からです。



From One Person

“Waste.” “Pretty much everything is ordinary.” “If it’s just me, isn’t this fine? This is okay.” It is thoughts such as these that have created major problems like global warming. The root of any problem can be traced back to ourselves. It is important for us to remember the value of: the life of one person, the essential or natural qualities of humans, manliness, femininity, and the good points of life in the good old days. And, remembering these things, to act in ways that contribute to the region in which you are. From one person came a hundred million people: we all share the same ancestors. All beginnings start with one thing: ourselves.

News from the Daily Reports
In a recent daily report from one of our new employees was the story of being chastised by his senior. This employee realized that it is important to notice things about yourself without others having to point it out. Another employee mentioned remembering the JIT creeds while in his car on the way to way. His way of life up to this point changed and he realized what exactly the phrase “ordinary things” means. Other employees mentioned the problems that have been occuring in the manufacturing department lately. I believe that even if you fail 99 times, to succeed once is good. People who never fail will never grow. Lastly, our sorting plant reported that they achieved their goal of sorting fifty-thousand cartridges a day.

Today, as the major companies are making weekends mandatory rest periods, even JIT’S part-time workers are coming in on Saturdays to work. Thank you, everyone.

The manager of our sales department, who entered JIT five years ago, recently celebrated his birthday. It is my hope that he will be able to be a little more concerned about those around him. Excuses are useless. Those who say, “There’s not enough time,” will never have enough time, no matter how much time passes. Apparentyl, five years ago when he was job hunting, companies he had planned to join were already facing bankruptcy and he expressed his gratitude for being able to work as he does today. For the sake of your family and everyone around you, please continue to work hard.


月曜日, 2月 16th, 2009




Being Taught

Recently, the side line workers visited JIT’s manufacturing plant and shared with me their impressions. Upon actually witnessing firsthand the process by which the goods they make are turned into finished products, many expressed a desire to be even more conscientious and approach their work wholeheartedly. I was very happy to see them realize how important the products are.

Recently our sales staff received a complaint wich their immediately relayed to the head of the quality control department. Although this particular customer has submitted many claims before, he continues to use JIT products. I believe this is because of the prompt respose of our staff. Similarly, a different customer wrote us a letter in which she said that the earnest and quick response and honesty that she saw in our company made her happy. I would like to say thank you to both of these customers. I was very moved by these customers who said how happy they were that companies like JIT exist in Japan. Truly, thank you very much. A claims is a chance from which the relationships between or among difference fates can be seen. From now on, although we aim for zero claims, we will cherish the claims that customers do send us.

Frankness means being passionate and giving your all. Take, for example, children, who in their frank nature are always asking questions the minute they do not understand something. In a recent daily report, one employee wrote about realizing the importance of communication in the work place. Although seemingly small things, reports and keeping in touch are directly related to the merging of employees. One employee informed me that, although a senior in relation to the new employee he was training, through this new employee’s affinity for asking questions, he felt refreshed. This is because in teaching others you yourself are also taught. Today please take advantage of the chance to communicate with each other.


土曜日, 2月 14th, 2009




Thin Line

The other day, several of our executives’ wives visited the office, offering both me the chance to hear their families’ thoughts and them the opportunity to hear my feelings. As I thought, meeting face to face and sharing our thoughts and concerns is important. All humans are weak and want to be happy.

One example of this is the idea of “Ladies First” that is so prevalent in the United States. The phrase “ladies first” refers to the idea of men being strong and protecting the women, children, and elderly. It does not mean that you always say, “After you.”

In life, all things rest on a very thin line. On the opposite side of anxiety lie great expectations. Similarly, the line between adversity and pleasure is also thin. Strong people are weak and kind people are strict. The more a person loves, the more strict he will be. A quick temper is destructive; however, it can also be an advantage. Again, the line is very thin.

I expect the senior managers of Team JIT to work hard from here on out. They are the feet, the power of JIT and a honest heart is important. For this reason, their wives visited JIT and listened to what I had to say.

I ask now that everyone work hard in order to be able to smile and talk happily with your families when you return home. We recently adopted a “No Overtime Day” policy, in effect every Wednesday, but it is my hope that everyone will finish their work by 8pm everyday and value the extra time to talk with their families.


金曜日, 2月 13th, 2009




Your Rival is You

Many JIT employees have chosen “10-10,” a number which stands for many of JIT’s ideas, as the number for their license plates. For instance, two meanings or readings behind the number “10-10″ are: 1) the nascent period of life before birth, and 2) the morning. The former refers to the 10 months and 10 days a person is alive before he enters the world whereas the latter – whose kanji is made up of the characters “10,” “day,” “10,” and “month” – represents in early rising the virtue of frugality.

The other day I received word that one of my employees was driving while smoking, news which made me feel tremendously lonely. Even if you say that you are trying hard, the decision of such a statement’s validity is made by those around you. If you think of your family, the future, your surroundings, and yourself you should understand. It is important that all three – your partner, yourself, and those around you – are all good. Therefore, if you notice something bad, stop it immediately. Everything is dependent on you.

Although smoking is a personal choice and does not contradict good manners, at JIT, our employees are encouraged to stop smoking for the sake of both the environment and the health of those around them. No matter how much a company thinks about the environment or how many nice things it says, the actions of even just one employee can make the company’s words and thoughts meaningless. I ask that from the time you enter JIT, please keep our expectations and emphasis on obedience in mind and avoid doing things that will sully JIT’s image. Act so that anyone watching will know that JIT is a company with a great dream.

Ting-Yu and Bethany, two of our new employees, ate dinner at my house the other night and talked about the kindness they received from one of the General Affairs’ department’s managers. When I hear good things about a manager from those beneath him rather than myself or one of his superiors, I feel that he truly is a good manager. It is those around you – your family, subordinates, and fellow employees – who are the ones that evaluate you.

The other day, I had the opportunity to talk genuinely with the president of a long-established funeral company. Ten years ago when I founded JIT Ceremony I met with him but at that time could do nothing more than listen as he talked. However, in these past 10 years, he came to see my JIT Ceremony as an equal company and praised our surroundings and the service provided by our employees. Before he left, he expressed a determination to work together for the good of all those in the region. To this man I am very grateful. If we steadily and untiringly work to the utmost of our ability, I feel that our wishes will be understood. Lies destroy trust and confidence. Everyone, you are your own rival. Therefore, I ask that you all act honestly and in good faith in order that we might win the confidence of those around us.