Archive for 1月, 2009


水曜日, 1月 7th, 2009




御得意様へ新年のご挨拶にお伺いしましたときに社長が見せた緊迫した表情、創業以来の最低売上だという話、また、私の尊敬するYSK e-comの飯室社長から、今年は慎重に物事を進めるようにというお言葉をいただき、本当に大変な年だと感じています。


Resuming Work

It is said that the current economic slump happens once every hundred years. It is a natural phenomenon that, I believe, is God’s way of teaching humans to be less fanciful in how they treat money. As I have said before, humans are not solitary creatures. We learn how to value our ancestors, how to cherish our families, and how to treasure interpersonal relationships. We have progressed from the Agricultural Age into the Industrial Age and from there into the Information Age, finally to arrive at the current Psychological Age. I believe that God has given us this period of poor economy in order for us to return to the Agricultural Age in which people thought first about what they most needed.

I first really took notice of myself three years ago and doing so, really began to study and create the JIT spirit. Looking back, it seems that the JIT spirit has finally permeated into my very center and it is this JIT spirit and its principles and creeds that is woven throughout all of JIT. I truly feel very lucky.

2009 is a year of opportunities for JIT. If all employees are to work toward a common goal, the JIT team spirit and harmony are vital. There is a saying in Japanese that I believe very strongly which, when put in terms of JIT, says that no matter how much someone exceeds my expectations, if he cannot understand the spirit of JIT then he cannot work here. From even one person with a different path, a large gap will develop and the company will crumble. Therefore, to my employees I ask that you firmly hold the JIT spirit in your heart as you move forward.

This year, Manager Shin – a man from China who has become like a younger brother to me – purchased an apartment in China; however, he recently came to our headquarters to work. In order for workers to ban together, there must first be understanding among the executives of what their purpose is. I cannot by myself get through this crisis. Rather, we have gathered all of Team JIT together.

When I made the New Year’s rounds to our closest customers, I saw tense faces on the presidents, I heard stories about the lowest points in companies’ histories, and from YSKe-com’s president I was told to proceed with caution this year. Through this, I truly felt how difficult this year is going to be.

However, as I have said before, we will turn this crisis into an opportunity for JIT. We continue in our sponsorship of Ventforet and in our efforts to energize Yamanashi and bring happiness to the rest of the world through our recycled ink and DoubleJet products. Therefore, we are current accepting applications for employment at JIT and seek people who are reliable in everyday matters. JIT is a company that nurtures and creates people needed for the time they are in. With the thought of a laughter-filled New Year’s party next year, let us work hard this coming year. Thank you.


火曜日, 1月 6th, 2009




Being Severe With People

Things that anyone can do, such as give a warm greeting, are important. Children watch how whether you are able to routinely greet people, wherever you meet them, and will mimic your actions. Both good and bad behavior are noticed and imitated. It is my hope to become a good model for others.

At JIT, just as in elementary school, morning assembly is a time for training and study. Therefore, I ask my employees to please use this time to take a careful look at yourself. Even those employees who work to the utmost of their ability will lose credibility if they do not abide by the laws. Humans are all easy on themselves: I do not believe there is one person who can truly be strict with himself. Nevertheless, we must be strict with those around us. Please have the courage to caution others when they make mistakes or do things they should not do.

The other day, I heard NAITO, a recently victorious boxer, say that “no matter how much others praise me, I want to keep practicing and get stronger. There are many points [about my performance] that I should reflect on.” Whether in sports or at a company, if you become satisfied with your current condition and think, “This is good enough,” you will fall. To use a baseball analogy, no matter how many home runs you have hit, no matter how many games you have won, it is still important to keep aiming higher, always setting the bar higher.

In this next year, please be someone who is strict with himself and others and who spends his time in a worthwhile manner.


月曜日, 1月 5th, 2009



私が尊敬する人物の中のひとりである武田信玄は『人は石垣、人は城』と言っています。松下幸之助氏の言葉には『人が全て』とあります。毎日私は彼らの本を読み、その生き方や経営哲学を学んでいます。二人に共通する『人』を大事にするという事です。また、尊敬するYSK e-comの飯室社長からは『謙虚』に生きることを教えていただきました。何事も速く、早く、急ぐことが多い私に、もっとゆっくりと亀のようにしっかりと地に足を着いて行くことを諭してくださいました。周囲がどう動こうと、どう評価しようと、そのことに左右されずに、まだまだ小さい自分自身を認識し、足元からしっかりと固めていきます。





Welcoming a New Year

On January 3rd, 2009, at the remodeled JIT Plaza in nearby Kofu, JIT held its 18th annual New Year’s party, giving employees and their families a time to gather together and welcome the new year. I am very grateful to all those employees and their families that were able to attend. Eighteen years ago when JIT its first New Year’s party, only 6 people were there; this year, however, over 230 were in attendance, reminding me once again how very fortunate I am.

This year it was my pleasure to speak about not only my ambitions for this year but also why JIT has a party every year for its employees and their families. In short, it is because I believe humans exist for the sake of communicating their thoughts and discovering their mission. When you really take notice of yourself, you will naturally realize the need for daily study.

One of the people I truly respect is TAKEDA Shingen (c.1521-1573) who wrote “People are stone walls. People are castles.” MATSUSHITA Kounosuke (1894-1989) later wrote, “People are everything. Every day I read books written by these men and through them am learning about their ways of life and management philosophies: both men shared a common regard for man. In addition to these two men, I also deeply respect the president of YSKe-com, Mr. IMURO, who taught me how to live humbly. He admonished me, saying that, like a tortoise, I should firmly plant my feet on the ground instead of running around with the idea that everything must be “fast, early, and in haste.” Without being blinded by the questions of how to move and evaluate our surroundings but instead recognizing how small we are, we must fortify from the ground up.

At JIT, our employees and their families are all one family. I wish first for the happiness of my employees and their families, but then also for the hapiness of everyone. Such is my own happiness. For the well-being of my hometown Yamanashi, we will work together under a common sentiment in order to build up society from the ground up.

I wanted the first event at JIT Plaza in Kofu after renovations were finished to be the New Year’s party with my employees and their families. Moreover, I hope that everyone in the area will take advantage of the plaza for in this period of poor economy, it is my hope that the renovations, through their feeling of newness and illumination, will give even just a little energy to those who use it.

This year JIT will also serve as the official uniform sponsor for the Ventforet soccer team. JIT is wishing and rooting for Ventforet’s success!

In the midst of this deep economic slump facing the world lately, JIT, with an attitude of “A good economy is good, but a bad economy is also good,” will work closely with its local community to build up society. Particularly in such severe times, we cherish human life and ask that you remember us in the following year. Remember, there are no limits to either your growth or your happiness.