


 自分のため、人のため、社会のため、山梨のために今を全力で、人と人との繋がりを大切に生きてください。 やがて日本、地域社会、家族、子孫が幸せになります 。今のこの一瞬一瞬を大切に、行動をお願いします。

The Bonds of Karma

The other day, I was blessed yet again to connect with someone. I have wanted to meet this person for a while and was finally given an opportunity to do so when he came all the way to Tokyo. I am truly grateful to both the people who set up the meeting as well as the person I met.

The bonds of fate have certainly circled back to me. It is because I heard the strong stories of my ancestors, beginning with my parents, and because I valued these connections that I now have bonds with so many people. Whether it is happiness, money, or bonds [between people], all things [in life] rotate in a cyclical fashion. If you look only at what is happening right now, you will probably feel a sense of loss or disadvantage. However, such feelings are wrong. No matter how long – whether several years, several decades, or several centuries – [whatever you lost] will come back to you. If you do something good, something good will come back to you. [Conversely,] if you do something bad, something bad will, without fail, come back to you. This is karma.

Please, for yourself, for those around you, for society, and for Yamanashi, please live right now with your entire being. Live valuing your connections with others. Eventually Japan, your community, your family, and your descendants will be happy. I ask that you value each moment and act.

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