
 一生勉強です。気付きや勉強に終わりはありません。私は働き始めてから26年間が経っていますが、気付かない日は1日もありません。これになぜ今まで気付かなかったのか、ということが沢山あります。日々勉強。1・2年で、自分ができると思うのは大きな間違い、勘違いです。1・2年では何もわかりません。勉強しなければならないことが山のようにあります。いつも謙虚で感謝な姿勢でなければ、気付きも成長もありません。謙虚な気持ちでいれば、様々なことに気付けます。改善できます。いつも謙虚な姿勢で勉強をして、自分自身を成長させ、行動してください。気づきは即 今行動することです。


First Pay Day

Study lasts a lifetime: there is not end to [what you can] notice or study. Throughout the 26 years that I have been working now, not even one day has passed in which I have not noticed something. There are many thi ngs I never noticed until now. Study daily. You are mistaken if you think you can study in simply one or two years. After one or two years you still do not understand anything. There are a mountain of things you must study. If you do not always have a humble, grateful heart, you will neither notice things or grow as a person. With humility, [however], you can notice [any of of] things and make reforms. Please always be humble and study, forcing yourself to grow and act. Notice is instant action.

The other day was the first pay day for our new employees. Although from the viewpoint of only a couple months or years, new employees still lack fighting power; however, if you look to the future, it is an investment for the company. Please be grateful to those around you and use your first paycheck for them. You are alive now because of your parents and the support of them and those around you. Your parents’ suffering is no ordinary thing. One new employee recently wr ote in his daily report: “I always thought that baths, preparing food for me, and doing my laundry were natural things to expect but I realize they are not to be taken for granted. I realized how difficult it is to work and earn money. I am truly grateful to my parents.” I agree with this employee. Your first pay day [is a chance to] communicate your gratitude to your parents. Let us not forget our gratitude as we work together from now on.

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