
 すべては『人』です。『人』しかありません。チームジットはみなさん社員一人ひとりがいて成り立ちます。いろいろな性格、個性、(大きい石、小さい石、丸い石、とんがっている石)があり はじめて会社(城) 継続できる企業(石垣)ができます。 


 成功者は、10回成功しても、11回目の目標をすぐに考え行動します。そして失敗を重ねても、決して逃げない。次にどうすれば壁を乗り越えられるか考え、すぐに行動をします。 一方、失敗をする人の特徴は、1回の失敗で、すぐに「自分にはできない。」とできない理由を探します。頭で考えていては先には進めません。悩んでも、いくら考えても答えはでません。行動してみなければ、結果は誰にもわからないのです。失敗は成功のもと。失敗すればするだけ、成長をします。失敗したら次の方法を考えればよいのです。そして、別の方法を思いついたら、結果は考えずに行動してる。結果は自ずと見えてくるのです。ですから、失敗を恐れずに行動をしてください。行動が全てです。

It All Comes Down to Man

Everything is [about] humans: there is nothing beyond them. Team JIT is the amalgamation of all of its employees standing together. Just as there are large stones and small stones, round stones and sharp stones, in Team JIT there are different
characters and different personalities and from these we make a company.Knowledge and ability are simply tools. No matter how much knowledge or ability a person has, if he does not use it, there is no point. Moreover, good products and services can be imitated. If we are talking simply about technology, anyone can acquire that. That said, what is the where is the difference? The difference lies in human power. Therefore, you must study and make yourself grow as a person. Furthermore, in providing good products and service to people, human power must beincreased. Study. Act. I will make JIT a company where people study and polish themselves to be useful toother people.

You are the only person who can change yourself.

Successful people are those who, even if they have succeeded ten times, immediately think of how to achieve that 11th success. No matter how many failures they have experienced, they decide to not give up but immediately think, “How can I
overcome these obstacles?” and then they act. Unsuccessful people, however, when faced with merely one failure, will say, “This is something I cannot do.” No matter how much you worry or how much you think, you will not find an answer. No one gets answers or results without action. Failure breeds success. Only through failure can you grow as a person. Once you fail, think about how you should next proceed. Then, once you have thought of a new way to proceed,do not think about what will happen but simply act. Results will naturally show themselves. Therefore, be courageous and act. Action is everything.


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