



What Doesn’t Kill You Only Makes You Stronger

Anyone who says “This is what I thought so this is how I am going to act” can do [whatever they put their mind to]. If the action only lasts for two or three days, ordinary people can do it. However, it is very difficult to perservere [for an extended period of time]. No matter what happens, if you do not persevere there is no meaning in your action. Quitting after the third day is embarrassing. Change is difficult: it is a struggle between the part of you that wants to change and the part that doesn’t. It is easy to continue on the easy path [but] please do not run away from the steep and difficult path for therein lies [opportunity for] growth. There is only action.

In order to better care for the health of my heart and body, [I recently began] walking to the office. Although our employees take two days a month to clean the area around our company holdings, there is still a tremendous amount of garbage littering the area. [Similarly,] the flower beds around our offices are infested with weeds and cleaning of the area behind our factory is still sporadic. Although these areas are slowly getting cleaner, we still have a long way to go. It is my hope that the dirtiest area now will be the most clean and beautiful area in the future for this will be an expression of the change. I would like to hear everyone’s opinions on what we should do. Let us work together to create a better environment.

The other day, one of our employees was caught talking on his cell phone while driving. Furthermore, the car he usually drives broke down. Neither of these things happened by chance. These things happen because of a lack of care and love on a daily basis. All problems that occur have causes. People who care for objects will also be able to care for people. People who are picky about food are picky about people as well. Please be humble and change yourself and work to not repeat the same mistakes.

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