
 何度も何度も言いますが、生きているのだから問題がないということは絶対にありません。問題がないのは考えていないから。常に目配り、気配り、心配りをしていれば、ちょっとしたことにも気づけるようになります。大きな問題の裏には、29個のかすり傷、その背後には300件のひやっとした問題が隠れているものです。普段から考える癖をつけてください。人が増えたからおろそかになったり、できないということでは困ります。一人一人がルールを徹底すれば問題はありません。一人一人がもう一度自分に厳しく、ルールはルールとして徹底してください。1+1は2ではなく3にも5にもなります。それが人間 輪であり和、環です。



I have said this countless times before but let me say it again: if you are alive, you will face problems for a life without problems is a life without thought. If you life life always watchful, attentive, and thoughtful of what is around you, you will come to notice even the tiniest things. Behind one major problem are 29 smaller problems on the tails of which are 300 problems. [Therefore,] please make it a habit to think [about what is around you]. We have increased in the number of our employees and therefore neglect or incompetence are problematic. If each employee is thorough in his work, there will be no problems. [Therefore,] I ask each employee to be strict with himself and to thoroughly adhere to JIT rules. One plus one does not equal two: it will become three or even five. This is the band among people.

The other day one of our customers paid us a visit here at the offices in Yamanashi. This customer is a daily reader of our company blog and had asked us if it would be all right to come observe our office. I was so happy to hear this and find great joy in the fact that this customer cared about us that much. Moreover, I believe this is the direct result of the straightforward, heartfelt actions of our employees, whether it is the manner in which they receive customers or their sales manners. We will go forward in gratitude, putting our heart and soul into everything we do.

From the bottom of our hearts, we hope that you all will visit JIT’s Yamanashi office. We are waiting to meet you!

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