今やる すぐやる できるまでやる




Do it Now. Do it Immediately. Do it to the Best of Your Ability.

The other day, a problem occurred once again, but if you pay attention, problems can actually be good things. If you are not watchful, attentive, or considerate, and if you do not pay attention to the problem, life will end. However, if when a problem arises you immediately seek to make improvements, the problem can be a good thing. It provides an opportunity for growth.

Next week is the end of yet another term and therefore any current lackadaisical or half-hearted attitudes present a problem. Now is decisive time and living with all ones strength is imperative. This has nothing to do with the financial term. That is merely a minor goal. People who settle and procrastinate are not living with their entire beings. No matter when, please strive forward using all your strength. Such is the true meaning behind the phrase “Do it now. Do it immediately. Do it to the best of your ability.” This is directly connected to personal growth and will provide a road toward achieving your goals.

I spent this morning reading employees’ reports. I cannot say that I am a good writer or speaker; however, no matter when or where, I give my all in what I am saying. My feelings and thoughts are expressed through what I write and what I say. No matter how unintelligent your words may seem, if you put your entire being into them, they will surely be communicated. No matter when, push yourself and with all your heart communicate to those around you what you are thinking and feeling.

Live today with all your might, frankly and honestly communicating with those around you.

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