




Turning a Crisis into a Opportunity

“Crisis” vs. “Opportunity”
I believe that the recent world-wide economic slump, with its subsequent bank mergers and collapse of insurance companies, has made everyone personally aware of the grave economic conditions we currently face. These conditions arise according to the trend of the times and we here at JIT would like to stop the downward trend seen around the world. In other words, although we are currently in a crisis, JIT is determined to turn that crisis into a chance. Furthermore, it is at this time, more than ever before, that JIT’s families and employees will ban together as we move forward.

JIT Events
At JIT, we have several events throughout the year. For instance, as a way of recognizing everyone’s hard work throughout the year, we hold a year-end party. Then, on January 3rd, we have our New Year’s party as a way to deepen friendships amongst JIT’s employees and families. Finally, we have a mid-term presentation meeting in order to explain to everyone the vision of JIT and how we intend to proceed. It is my hope that everyone – not just the full-time employees but our part-time staff as well – will be able to participate in these events.

Failure Teaches Success
Last month I went to America in search of new employees and next year plan to go to India and Brazil. It is my hope that JIT – in particular DoubleJet – becomes a brand and product known throughout the world. As the development and manufacturing of DoubleJet continues, various problems have come up. If our solution to a persistent problem was simply to give up, then that would be the end of all of our manufacturing.

The same could be said for problems at any company, school, or home. When you face problems, it is important to tackle them one by one without giving up. There is a saying in Japanese, 「失敗は成功の元」 (“Shippai ha seikou no moto”) which translates as: “Failure teaches success.” In other words, if you fail ten times but succeed ten times, that is good. Ten wins and ten losses is fine.

I am not very smart; however, in terms of exertion or effort, there is absolutely no one to whom I will lose. It is my fervent hope that all of you will also be able to turn this crisis into an opportunity. From my hometown in Yamanashi, I hope you are all doing well.

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