

社員の日報からは「自分自身に言い訳せずに、“Just In Time”を意識して行動していかなければいけないと気づいた」という報告がありました。気づいたことは、行動で示してほしいです。また、他の社員からはサポートの電話にまだ慣れていないが、他の業務で頑張っている同僚の姿を見て、「辛いこと、苦しいことこそチャンス」だと自分自身に言い聞かせて業務を行っていこうと言ってくれました。周りの人のことを考えて気づいてくれる社員に、嬉しく思いました。



Thinking of Those Around Me

From Our Customers
Recently, many of our loyal customers sent in positive responses to questionnaires we sent out. For instance, one customer responded that “So far the ink has not clogged up or leaked” and that he appreciates the steps we take daily to ensure that problems do not arise and that improvements are made. It seems that we are well known among those around us and our customers. Even our support center was mentioned: “It was a very comfortable experience.” “Because of this experience, I now expect good service.” To all customers who responded to the questionnaires, thank you.

From Our Staff
In a recent daily report from one of my employees, he wrote, “I realized the necessity to act without offering excuses but with the attitude of ‘Just in Time’ always in my consciousness.” It is my hope that this notice will be demonstrated through his actions.

Another employee brought up one of her colleagues, an employee not yet accustomed to handling support calls but who shows perseverance despite her failures. Telling herself that “it is these harsh, painful moments in particular that offer opportunities,” she decided to work harder at her own work. I was truly touched that my employees notice and think about those around them.

Not Like the Others
The other day I participated in a meeting of the heads of several prominent companies here in Yamanashi prefecture. During the course of the meeting, discussion focused primarily on the extreme situation we will face next year. This recesion will mean, primarily, two things: 1) a slump in the projected sales for next year to the point that some businessnes will crumble; and 2) an inability to place orders. As personnel reduction continues, part-time laborers will be the next to be targeted with the dismissal of company employees to follow soon after.

However, while many of those present at the meetings expressed such concerns and expectations for their companies, at JIT we feel differently. I have said it countless times before but we here at JIT feel that this is a chance for us. This is because rather than focusing on ability we here at JIT value those who understand and follow our management creed. In fact, it would be better for those who do not believe in our creed to choose a separate path.

People are always free to choose whether or not something is an opportunity or a crisis and we here at JIT choose to make next year an opportunity. Although next year will see many companies in Yamanashi reach rock-bottom during this period of economic slump, JIT will be accepting applications for over 30 positions. It is in times precisely such as this that we must think of those around us and value every penny, every second, every person, and every thing we have.

From time to time I have the occasion to meet people and be praised for my company and the employees here. Of course it makes me very happy but I am also often embarrassed. It is my hope that we will simply carry out of work as we should, that we will be considerate of those around us, and that will live this moment to the fullest.

Today is Sunday and the weather is wonderful.

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