컴포지트 (주)

해외 채용직무정보

We'll have a company information session on July 11, 23, August 6,25, 2022.
Since it is hold online, you can participate at any place of the world.
If anyone would like to attend this company information session, Please contact the JIT group recruitment officer (Ogino) by 이메일.


작업 정보

회사 이름 JIT Inc
보내실 내용 We are the best recycled ink company in Japan.
This company is full of smiles and energy!
산업별 제조업
주요 사업 Manufacturing and sales of recycle ink
본사 984-1, 이즈미, city Minami-alps, Yamanashi
설립 일자 1991/7/1
직원 수 170
Number of foreign employees 3
URL http://www.jit-c.co.jp/
장소 JAPAN/Yamanashi
직위 연구 개발
책임 및 Development of the IC chip to use
for ink cartridge
교육 수준 graduating from university
이상적인 후보자 High will to do product development by one's technology, and to contribute to the society
Japanese skill A
English skill A
기타 자격 you could communicate in
작업 상태 정규직
봉급 Monthly salary 220,000 yen
Bonus times 3 times a year
Salary increase 1 time a year
Freshman salary per Annum (approx)3,000,000 yen
Housing Allowance(30,000yen)
Social insurance, commutation allowance, retirement allowance
(working for up to 5 years)
업무 환경 We'll accept you to work the way your country allowsyou to work. As an example, Muslim employees are allowed to take prayer breaks and take time off during Ramadan. Employees also are more than welcome to visit their country during new year
Future Career We're also planning on branching out to oveseas so there will be opportunities to work overseas as well.
상영 과정 Document selection→Primary interview→Final interview
장소 JAPAN/Yamanashi
직위 시스템 엔지니어
책임 및 Company infrastructure construction,Website making,System maintenance
교육 수준 graduating from university
이상적인 후보자 High will to do product development by one's technology, and to contribute to the society
Japanese skill A
English skill A
기타 자격 you could communicate in
작업 상태 정규직
봉급 Monthly salary 220,000 yen
Bonus times 3 times a year
Salary increase 1 time a year
Freshman salary per Annum (approx)3,000,000 yen
Housing Allowance(30,000yen)
Social insurance, commutation allowance, retirement allowance
(working for up to 5 years)
업무 환경 We'll accept you to work the way your country allowsyou to work. As an example, Muslim employees are allowed to take prayer breaks and take time off during Ramadan. Employees also are more than welcome to visit their country during new year
Future Career We're also planning on branching out to oveseas so there will be opportunities to work overseas as well.
상영 과정 Document selection→Primary interview→Final interview
장소 JAPAN/Yamanashi
직위 Interpretor and Translator
책임 및 Marketing research for expanding business,
factory observation for foreigners, translation of our website
교육 수준 Graduate from university
이상적인 후보자 Have the strong will to contribute towards society
Japanese skill A
English skill A
기타 자격 You could communicate in Korean
작업 상태 정규직
봉급 Monthly salary 220,000 yen
Bonus times thrice a year
Salary increase once a year
Freshman salary per Annum (approx)3,000,000 yen
Housing Allowance(30,000yen)
Social insurance, commutation allowance, retirement allowance
(working for up to 5 years)
업무 환경 We'll accept you to work the way your country allows you to work. For example, Muslim employees are allowed to take prayer breaks and take time off during Ramadan. Employees also are more than welcome to visit their country during new year
Future Career We're also planning on branching out to oveseas so there will be opportunities to work overseas as well.

해외 채용 정보 관련 페이지여기를 참조하세요.

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