Jit Co., Ltd.

Question detailsCUSTOMER SUPPORT

Epson product support information

The product chip may be damaged (including internal data) by impact.Please be careful when handling the product.Also, when installing the cartridge in the printer, poor contact may occur, so insert the cartridge straight.
If it does not work properly even if you reinsert it, please contact us.

【All models】Please tell me when to replace the ink cartridge.

The timing for replacing the JIT Recycled Ink Cartridge is as follows.

Ink cartridge replacement timing

When the ink level is exhausted, printing automatically stops and "The ink level has fallen below the limit.Or "Ink cartridge cannot be recognized correctly.An error message will be displayed.

When these messages are displayed, there is no ink remaining, so replace it with a new ink cartridge.

However, if there is a lot of ink remaining just before the error message is displayed, there is a possibility of a recognition error.

If the problem persists even after trying the above, there is a possibility that the ink cartridge is defective. Jit Customer Service Office (Tel::0120-41-1630 Please contact us from 9:00 to 17:00).

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