Jit Co., Ltd.

Nikoniko Kids Nursery School (Yamanashi Prefecture Approved Nursery School)CHILDCARE FACILITY

Features of small group childcare

As the saying goes, "up to a hundred souls of triplets," it is now common sense all over the world, and that "growth from 0 to 3 years old is the basis of a lifetime personality."

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has the greatest impact on a child's life.Relationships with family members and caregivers during this period have a great influence on personality and traits.We must be prepared to influence the future of our children depending on our response.That's why I put a lot of love into it and put safety first.We will take care of your family so that you can work with peace of mind.

And, in order to realize safety first, we start with daily work such as sterilization, and assign more nursery teachers than general standards so that our eyes and hands are attentive.Because we have a large number of childcare workers, we are able to actively carry out childcare, which is difficult at home or in a large-scale nursery school, mainly for children.

By all means, I would like parents to see what is called "small-group childcare."

Nursery philosophy


"Through the licensed nursery school business, we will support the healthy growth of children under the age of 3 who will bear the future of Japan and contribute to the development of the local community."

With this word as our mission, we will continue to operate the nursery school.



"We aim to be a safe and secure nursery school by expanding the individuality and infinite possibilities of innocent children."

All the staff keep this goal in mind and enter into daily childcare.
Believing that the happiness of a child leads to the smile of a guardian for the best interests of the child,
We will grow up with deep affection together with our parents.



◇ We will take responsibility for taking care of your children so that fathers and mothers can work with peace of mind.
◇ Hone your own human power so that you can watch over the children with careful attention, attention, and concern.
◇ Raise children who are full of love and contact and who are physically and mentally healthy
◇ Let's play naughty in the sun and raise healthy children


≪Slogan of this year≫

"Safe and secure nursery school where you can play freely with a smile"

We all sing this slogan every day.We will do our best with smiles every day for the smiles of children and parents!

What is small group childcare?

■ What kind of childcare is small group childcare?

Small-group childcare that is a little different from general nursery schools.The recognition is still low, and many people can't imagine it.Here, I would like to talk about "small-group childcare."

≪What are the criteria for choosing a nursery school? ≫

It is very important for parents to leave their children in a nursery school.What should I choose based on?Is it the best environment for my child?I think.

Because it's about my precious child, I'm too careful ... I might desperately look for disadvantages such as scale, form, and area.
Of course, that's only when you think of your child.But don't you think it's important not only to look for the disadvantages, but also to think about "what are the advantages?"

Then, is there any disadvantage in general nursery school?That is never the case.The disadvantages of medium to large nurseries can be advantages for small nurseries, and the advantages of small nurseries can be disadvantages for general nurseries.
"What do you value for your child as a parent?"
I think it is important to look at the advantages and disadvantages without forgetting this perspective.

* As an aside, many nursery schools are currently open under a system called "company-led childcare."This garden is set up by a joint-stock company, but it is not the above system, but a nursery school that is licensed and operated by the government (Yamanashi Prefecture).Therefore, please be assured that the standards and usage system are equal to or higher than those of general nursery schools.

≪There are many benefits for small group childcare! ≫

As the saying goes, "up to a hundred souls of triplets," it is now common sense around the world that "growth between the ages of 0 and 3 is the basis of a lifetime personality."
How you grew up, such as the environment you spent during this period and how you interacted with it, will have a great impact on your future life.It is known that it affects not only academic ability but also living ability, relationships, work, etc.

In small-group childcare, it is often unclear how to classify children by age, and all children spend their time in the same space (in our school, the rooms are divided by low fences for each class).This is an environment that naturally interacts with children of different ages, and fosters kindness and compassion, such as loving younger children, and conversely, fosters aspirations aimed at older children.
And, due to the generous staffing, the nursery teachers will inevitably pay attention to them.Small-group childcare has an environment in which nursery teachers can always watch over the involvement of children.

In addition, even if it is difficult for a general nursery school to do it, the smiling kids nursery school provides such a kind of childcare that can be tackled only by a small number of people.

≪Advantages of small group childcare≫

  • ◇ Since the number of nursery teachers is large, everyone is fully aware of it.
  • ◇ Childcare with a homely atmosphere like a large family
  • ◇ Because you can capture the development of each person, you can respond individually.
  • ◇ Since there are no big events, you can concentrate on childcare.
    (For parents, there are few days off and the burden is light)
  • ◇ Because the distance to the director is close, there is no blurring in the childcare philosophy.
  • ◇ Get closer to parents as well as children
  • ◇ Since you can make time for dealing with parents, it is easy to consult (cooperation can be taken)
  • ◇ Because there is a relationship between children of different ages, mental growth will be enriched.
  • ◇ The staff are close to each other, and the atmosphere affects childcare.
  • ◇ Since the facilities and staff are sufficient, you can realize "I want to do it!"

Since the number of children is small, the nursery room can be used comfortably.
This is possible because we can respond to each child individually, respect what the child wants to do, and have more staff than in a general nursery school.

Of course, there are many benefits to large gardens.And there are also disadvantages.As a parent, I am worried about what kind of environment I will give my child, but that is why I would like you to actually see the various gardens and feel them with your skin.

≪Voice of parents≫

Rabbit group (1 year old) From H-chan mom

"My one-year-old daughter goes to the kindergarten.
My older child goes to another garden, which is also helpful because the teachers understand it very well.
The room is spacious and I think you can play with slides and lots of toys, but I'm glad that you take a walk or go out on a daily basis except on rainy days.Since it is a garden for children under the age of XNUMX, it is safe to say that the playset in the garden is only for small children.
I feel that it is a good thing that only a small number of people can take a walk in the evening when the pick-up is late.
All of them are kind teachers, and there are many teachers, so I feel that I am able to live a leisurely life while receiving generous childcare.
I'm glad that I could go to a wonderful garden where I feel sorry for children under the age of. "

Panda-gumi (2-year-old child) From Y-kun's dad

"It's been the second year since I used the smiling kids nursery school.
At first, I chose it because it was close to my home, but now that the teachers at the nursery school are polite and the children are able to go to the park with a smile every day with a lot of fun, I think it was really good to have this garden. We are here.
In addition, since it is an exciting day when children are involved with various children in their lives, their language development and feelings grow quickly, and they are often surprised at home.I have a second son, so I'm thinking of asking a smiling kids nursery school.
Although the total number of people is small, I am very relieved because the childcare that is close to the teachers' children is very good and energetic. "

≪A little digression≫

Here, I would like to introduce a few voices of working childcare workers.

"Because I have a lot of time to interact with each person, I can provide childcare that suits the child."
"The staff are very close to each other, and we have childcare (cooperation) as a team."
"Because it is a new garden, we can think for ourselves and get closer to the ideal childcare."
"Since all children of different ages are cared for, we can acquire childcare skills that cannot be obtained in a large garden."
"Because I am closely involved, I can notice (praise) even a little growth."

There is childcare that can only be done in a small garden at the smiling kids nursery school.That's why each childcare worker is always ambitious and lovingly involved with the child.
I want to be a place where everyone, including children, parents, and childcare workers, can smile.

We have introduced the advantages and disadvantages, but the most important thing is "what is important".We hope that you will actually see, feel, and choose for your precious children.

About safety and health management

≪To create a safe and secure environment≫

At our garden, we clean and disinfect every day "early morning, morning, noon, evening".
We carry out more careful hygiene management because we have babies and toddlers whose immunity is still insufficient.
Nursery schools also have various risks of infection such as influenza and norovirus.In order to reduce that risk, all the nursery teachers at the smiling kids nursery school are highly conscious and are engaged in daily cleaning and sterilization work.

≪Specific contents≫

◇ Lunch
For school lunches and snacks, we offer an "allergy removal menu" that removes eggs and wheat.For children with other allergies, we will respond individually.
For allergies, we accept and conduct interviews at any time.The content of the interview is shared with the director, nursery teachers, cooks, and all the people involved, and we are careful not to provide allergic ingredients by any chance.
If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.

◇ Sterilization
Our garden uses sodium hypochlorite, which is also used as a food additive for sterilization.
Because it is a space where babies are, we choose the ones that can be used with peace of mind.
This also works for viruses that alcohol cannot handle.

We sterilize tableware, toys / playsets, floors, windows, desks / chairs, etc. several times daily.
We have also installed an air purifier to reduce the risk of airborne infections.
We will protect the safety of children by using safe hygiene management.
Even if it is small, it is a small group.The risks of infectious diseases are always side by side.
Cleaning and disinfecting to minimize the risk is a natural task of the garden.

With a sense of mission to take care of important children, we will raise awareness of safety and make it a nursery school that can be used with peace of mind.

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