

 私たちの会社はまだまだ草野球レベルです。メジャーまではまだまだ先は遠い。遠いかもしれませんが、毎日全員が一歩ずつでも、確実に成長すれば、必ず目標は達成できます。日々勉強。そして行動。この繰り返しです。知らないことを知る喜び、できなかったことができるようになった喜び、昨日よりも今日、一歩成長できた喜びをかみ締めながら、日々勉強をして、みんなの幸せのために、前進していきましょう。何事もやらされるのではなく 自分から行動する。全て『心』しだい 自分を成長させて社会に貢献したいかです。

Practice What You Study

At JIT we have a new policy wherein those who wish to join JIT must first attend several study courses. Only once they have cleared our requirements will they be accepted as employees here at JIT. Before you enter the company, study [so that you may] enter the company at a higher level than you are at now.

However, no matter how much we study, we are not beating those around us because although we study, what we learn is not applied enough to our actions. In the course of their work every day, employees have many opportunities to put into practice [what they studied]: morning assembly, manner courses, my lectures, etc. Please put into practice what you learn, even if only a little bit at a time. Everyone has opportunities for study and practice. Act after you study. If you lose focus, you will soon be surpassed by the new employees. Please, everyone, be self-aware and put into practice what you study.

Our company is still at a beginners’ level and we have a long way to go before we reach the major leagues. Even if it is far away, though, so long as each employee grows a little more every day, we will certainly achieve our goal. Study. Act. Repeat. Taste the joy of knowing something you didn’t know before or being able to do something you couldn’t do before. For the sake of everyone’s happiness, let’s study daily and move forward. Do not do something because you’re made to do it. Decide to do it on your own. Everything is what your heart and mind make of it. Make yourself grow [as a person] and contribute to society.

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