



御得意様へ新年のご挨拶にお伺いしましたときに社長が見せた緊迫した表情、創業以来の最低売上だという話、また、私の尊敬するYSK e-comの飯室社長から、今年は慎重に物事を進めるようにというお言葉をいただき、本当に大変な年だと感じています。


Resuming Work

It is said that the current economic slump happens once every hundred years. It is a natural phenomenon that, I believe, is God’s way of teaching humans to be less fanciful in how they treat money. As I have said before, humans are not solitary creatures. We learn how to value our ancestors, how to cherish our families, and how to treasure interpersonal relationships. We have progressed from the Agricultural Age into the Industrial Age and from there into the Information Age, finally to arrive at the current Psychological Age. I believe that God has given us this period of poor economy in order for us to return to the Agricultural Age in which people thought first about what they most needed.

I first really took notice of myself three years ago and doing so, really began to study and create the JIT spirit. Looking back, it seems that the JIT spirit has finally permeated into my very center and it is this JIT spirit and its principles and creeds that is woven throughout all of JIT. I truly feel very lucky.

2009 is a year of opportunities for JIT. If all employees are to work toward a common goal, the JIT team spirit and harmony are vital. There is a saying in Japanese that I believe very strongly which, when put in terms of JIT, says that no matter how much someone exceeds my expectations, if he cannot understand the spirit of JIT then he cannot work here. From even one person with a different path, a large gap will develop and the company will crumble. Therefore, to my employees I ask that you firmly hold the JIT spirit in your heart as you move forward.

This year, Manager Shin – a man from China who has become like a younger brother to me – purchased an apartment in China; however, he recently came to our headquarters to work. In order for workers to ban together, there must first be understanding among the executives of what their purpose is. I cannot by myself get through this crisis. Rather, we have gathered all of Team JIT together.

When I made the New Year’s rounds to our closest customers, I saw tense faces on the presidents, I heard stories about the lowest points in companies’ histories, and from YSKe-com’s president I was told to proceed with caution this year. Through this, I truly felt how difficult this year is going to be.

However, as I have said before, we will turn this crisis into an opportunity for JIT. We continue in our sponsorship of Ventforet and in our efforts to energize Yamanashi and bring happiness to the rest of the world through our recycled ink and DoubleJet products. Therefore, we are current accepting applications for employment at JIT and seek people who are reliable in everyday matters. JIT is a company that nurtures and creates people needed for the time they are in. With the thought of a laughter-filled New Year’s party next year, let us work hard this coming year. Thank you.

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